Course is designed for individuals seeking certification for trenching and excavation operations in compliance with OSHA regulations specified in 2 CFR 9 2 Subpart P. Excavating and trenching have a number of important applications. Participants will learn the technical information and skills necessary to recognize, evaluate, and control the unique health and safety hazards encountered with working in and around trenching and excavation operations including: scope, application, and definitions, specific requirements including assigning a competent person, who is responsible for classifying soil, inspecting protective systems, and monitoring the site for new or additional hazards, hazards including cave-ins, exposure to falling loads, electrocutions, oxygen deficiency, falls, and hazardous atmospheres, protective systems, soil classification, sloping and benching, aluminum hydraulic and timber shoring, shoring alternatives and protective systems selection.
Don't see the OSHA training course or dates in Arizona you're looking for?
Contact ETC Compliance today to learn about options now available in our training facilities or onsite!Call 602.923.9673 or Contact Us for more information.
$475.00 per attendee
Class Times:
1 day, 8 am – 5pm