Confined Space training for Entrants / Attendants / Supervisors / Competent Persons - This training is required for persons supervising confined space entry, employees entering and working within a confined space, and those persons tasked with assisting with the entry, but not actually entering themselves. Participants will learn the technical information and skills necessary to recognize, evaluate, and control the unique health and safety hazards encountered with confined space entry work. Topics include: regulatory review, elements of confined space programs, confined space identification and evaluation, permit information, hazard recognition, atmospheric testing, hazard control (ventilation, cleaning and purging, fall protection and retrieval systems, non-entry rescue, etc.), personal protective equipment and entry equipment.
Don't see the OSHA or MSHA training course or dates in Arizona you're looking for?
Contact ETC Compliance today to learn about options now available in our training facilities or onsite!
Call 602.923.9673 or Contact Us for more information.
$265.00 per attendee
Class Times:
1 day, 8 am – 5 pm